
Showing posts from 2015

Holiday stress is over for the year, and new year resolutions

So my little family got thru Christmas/Yule/ or whatever you choose to celebrate, with out too much drama. But I know the family issues I have with my parents, and siblings are getting worse but I will not get in to that. My kids got lots of toys and things they wanted and some they didn't think they did and loves everything. Now we just need to get thru the next week and this year will be over and a new year will start. I hope next year will be better than this one was. I have decided my New Years resolutions for next year are to first cut all drama causing people out of my life. I have been way too stressed because of the drama, and I do not need the added drama. Then write more on what I want to write not what I think others would want. I will also work harder to lose the weight I want to lose. Well I need to start dinner soon Happy reading Happy writing

Writing, the upcoming holiday, and the end of the year

      I always have a hard time balancing my writing and the upcoming holiday, my family and I celebrate Christmas/Yule. With all the shopping I have/had to do I have the worst time trying to write. A lot of my problem is the amount of negitive people that are out and about this time of year and dealing with family issues that seem to get a lot worse this time of year as well. This year I did A LOT of my shopping on line, so there are only a few thing I need to actually have to go out to get. So writing has been a little easier but not as easy as the rest of the year.              The other problem is family issues and I will not go in to them as it will just bring up more drama than what is really needed. We have Christmas at my in law's on Christmas Eve and we have Yule with my family on chritmas day after we have our own Yule that morning with just hubby, the kids and myself. Right now I can't wait until the holidays are over. But I...

Thanksgiving and my writing

We if you are in the US or are from here you know that last Thursday was thanksgiving. My thanksgiving went ok, it was a bit stressful but it have been soo much worse then it really was. It's one of the few holidays that people don't argue about saying happy thanksgiving which makes it awesome. After dinner and yummy pie and some banana pudding hubby the kids and myself  headed home and got comfy. I ended up dozing off for a few hours, I guess I needed it. I did write some Monday Tuesday and a little yesterday (Friday) which means I am starting to get back on track a little with my work. Now I have to do some research on bisons, no hints or spoilers you will have to wait and see. It's very early in the morning and I should really get to bed. Happy reading Happy writing

Halloween, busy first week of November and no to nanowrimo

  Our Halloween was a bit wet, it was misting most of the evening and night. But the kids had a lot of fun and where the only trick or treaters in my brother in law's neighborhood so they got lots of candy.   My first week of November has been eventful, but I am not doing nanowrimo this year. The eventfulness started on Monday 2 kids that ride my daughter's school bus decided they had to physical fight while getting on the stupid bus. This was the first fight in person and she was soo scared. She talked to a councilor at school and that helped her a lot. Tuesday went by with no drama, Wednesday started uneventful, but that afternoon I got a call from my daughter's school nurse. My daughter was hit in the head with a soccer ball that was thrown. I went and got her took to the ER, they did ct scan and it was normal. She just had a really bad headache, she can't go to PE, or recess until Tuesday. Yesterday and today she had a bit of a headache but nowhere near as bad as ...

I'm sorry

   I am very sorry I have not posted in awhile, I wish I could say it was because I was writing or being productive. But that's not why I have not posted a blog in a while. Must of the issues are to do with my parents and siblings not really wanting to talk or see us in almost a year, I will not going in to anymore detail then that because I do not want to deal with the aftermath from my family if they read this blog post.       The other stuff I have been dealing with is my birthday, yes I am now 36, and the chili cook off that took place last weekend. The chili cook off went well until my sister and her kids showed up then the chili sales petered off not sure if it was because of my sister or not but it happened.   Now I am feel sad, and pissed off again because of the issues with my family. I think I need to just hide from everything and every one for a while. But I can't do that my kids still need me around. I am getting off here and taking a ni...

Archon is done and my birthday is coming

     Archon was this past weekend, it was fun and I had a total fan girl moment. I also went to the writer's workshop I mentioned in another post.       First I will tell you all about my fan girl moment, one of the guest at Archon was face off finalist R. J. Haddy!!!!! I was so excited to see him. I got an autograph photo and my kids and I had picture with him. It was amazing, if I could figure out how to add photos to the blog post with all the updates my host site did.  He was soo cool to talk to, I hope he comes back next year.    Now about the workshop I went to, I was told that the work I submitted this year was the best the host had seen from me in 3 years of me going to the workshop. It was suppose to be a 2 hour event but, it was just me and one other author there to have our work critiqued. Which was a lot less then what I thought would have been there. The author that hosted it every year I took part in the writer's workshop is...

Archon starts Friday !!!!

i am so excited that it's archon time again, it's archon 39 this year. I am dressing up Saturday night as a villager from berk(sp) my kids are dressing up Saturday for kids masquerade. My daughter is being fluttershy, my son is going as a Jedi. I am also taking part in the writer's workshop thing again this year. We are taking my sis inlaw, her youngest daughter the whole weekend, and we are taking mom inlaw Saturday.  This is going to be a great weekend and we can't wait. I need to getting to going I have some stuff I need to get done before this weekend. Happy reading Happy writing

Archon 39 is almost here and my son's braces

Archon is a couple weeks away, and I can't wait to go. The costume I wanted to do I can't do. So I changed what I am being. I am being a villager from brek( village in how to train your dragon). I am so doing the writer critique work shop again hopefully it will be better then the last two years.  I am excited about archon. My son got the first rage of this braces, and I am feeling bad I have to limit what he can and can't eat and drink. I feel awful doing that. So we are not getting things he can't have until he gets his braces off . I have no idea when he will get them off I am hoping just a few years. But so far he is not complaining of any pain, though it's only 6 teeth right now so in time as they add teeth there will be pain. I better get going so I can get my kids from school. Happy reading Happy writing

The best rejection

This is the best rejection I have gotten for The were I Have Become from an agent Sorry if it's harder to read  Date: August 25, 2015, 4:33 PM Dear Trisha, Thank you for your email query.  Due to the overwhelming volume of electronic queries the Agency receives, we have briefly read your query. Although it certainly has potential for success, it does not appear to be right for this Agency. We pass and wish you better luck in placing your work with an agent who will make us look shortsighted. However, we appreciate your thinking of the Charlotte Gusay Literary Agency. Sincerely, Ann Proust Editorial Assistant

Kids started school not I can't sleep

      Yup my kids started school today(August 11th) and I lost my ability to sleep and it sucks. I know I will fall asleep at some point I just need to get my brain to shut off basically. I go through this every year when my kids start school. I get thinking about all the stuff I need to do before the leave every morning and all the things I want to get done while they are gone. Then I think about making dr appointments and what not and trying to schedule them on days they are off school. With everything I think about I can't fall asleep and if I can't fall a sleep at night I and really tired all day which is not the best for writing. But I try to write anyway and I know when I finally get sleep when I should be sleep I will look at the writing I did while sleep deprived and ask my self "what on earth was I thinking?" And will end up deleting nearly of that work and basically start over. But such is life of a mother who is a writer. Well I am off to try to get some...

Summer break is almost over And phone issues

My kids are starting school August 11th, I already got them regestered for school. I have to pick up my daughter's supplies I ordered for her, get what supplies I need to get for my son and they both need backpacks for school. I am kind of sad that they will be going back to school soon I like having them around. But on the other hand I will be happy they are in school because I will get my writing time back, and I will get more stuff done while they are gone. Now the phone issues, we have really bad cell signal since the road work started and we have to use the wifi calling feature on our phones. But my phone will not connect to the wifi calling and because it's not stopping me from using the phone I can't get a replacement. It is an issue since I use my phone as the main contact in every query letter I send And it's the only way the schools can get ahold of me if something happens to my kids. My hubby and I are hoping with the plan we have I can upgrade my phone w...

Busy few weeks

I am sorry I did not get on here to wish you all a happy 4th of July. I have had a busy few weeks, first one of my hedgehogs had to go to the vet, everything seems ok but I have to take her back in a few weeks. Then we had a family friend here until the 7th. I have had so much going on being a good hostess. I got all the paperwork I needed to get the kids for school and got their bus stops straighten out so I got everything done. I am now just waiting on the date I will be regestering them for school. I finally got the story done enough to send in to the writer workshop. I hope I can get it mail out tonight so I know it will be post marked for the 11th. I also hope they accept it. I will not know for alittle while if they do or not. Now I can get back to my edits and my writing, and my normal life. I am off to write Happy writing Happy reading

Trying to get everything done and have time to write

  life has been a little hectic in the Jones household as of late. I have been running the kids to doctor appointments and dentist appointments with the help of my mom inlaw ( I love u mom) the year checkups and getting the papers my kids need for school. But while at the dentist for my kids, we found out my son had 2 little cavities in adult teeth that would not heal on their own. So this past Tuesday one was filled and tomorrow (Friday) the other one gets filled.  So there have been lots of early mornings to make sure everything gets done so my kids can started school on time this August. So I have not been writing as much or as long as I want or need to. Don't you just love how life gets in the way sometimes.   Enough about my busy life, time to tell you what I have been working on lately. I am trying to get one of my stories done in time to send off by the dead line for the writing critique workshop that will be happening in October. This year I am sending in a stor...

Haters of your work

There will all way be haters no matter if you are a writer, painter, or doctor. This blog has come about because I was reading a blog about how to basically ignore them. I agree with most points of this blog. ( here is the link )  You can't let the haters make you second guess yourself about what you are passionate about. The author of the blog made a good point. If you are getting emails from haters that means at least for artists of most types that your audience is growing. That's the goal for me as a writer to get a big audience reading my blog posts, my books heck anything I write.  So I have come to expect hater mail from people who are not brave enough to do what I am doing. I normally ignore the hater mail or send a reply saying I am sorry they found something wrong with my writing, or just dislike my writing and I invite them not to read anything else I write so I do not displease them anymore.  I invite any of you to...

New little babies

the rescued hedgehog Wendy had 4 little hoglets. They are just over 2 weeks old and I have been holding them for a little while everyday since they turned 2 weeks old. Today 3 out of the 4 uncurled in my hand so I could see what sex they were they are 2 boys and a girl the 4th one did not want to show me. I will find out later on what it is. With my writing I have been doing some rewrites and adding things here and there that was not added before. So it's slow going but I am getting this round of editing done before sending it off to get more editing done. Then more editing and rewrites before beta reading and proof reading. Sigh this is the life of a writer. Well I'm off to see what my kids are up to Happy reading Happy writing

Summer break and writing

my kids are on summer break from school until August, so my writing schedule has to shift from  during the day to when my kids are in bed at night or when hubby is off and takes them out somewhere. I think this is something any parent who writes has to go through every year their kid(s) are in school until college. It can be frustrating but I love being around my kids and they are old enough to fix a sandwich for lunch and can entertain themselves, if I have a burst of inspiration or some idea I need to write down. I am planing on spreading as much time as I can with them doing fun stuff, like going to the zoo and the park as many times as we can. I just wanted to pop on real quick because I have not written a blog post in a while I figured it was time. I am off to spread a little more time with my family before they all go to bed. Happy reading Happy writing

Something writer need to be successful

We all know to be a good writer you need to write everyday, we need to keep learning from our mistakes, and of course it's a lot of hard work. But something I have not seen in many other writing blogs is writers need to have a good amount of support. Now I am not really talking support financially though that is helpful. I mean moral and sometimes emotional support of friends and family. If you do not have this support it does not mean you will never make it as a writer, but it will be harder because you will not have cheerleader(s) helping you keep trying. I find having the support I have from some friends and some family is a big help to me not only are they my cheerleaders, but they are my sounding boards when I have ideas I am not sure sound right or would work at all. I can ask them about things I don't know a lot about and if they don't know they can point me to the right people to ask. They will get excited with me when I have good things happen, and they encourage...

Springtime is the start of yardwork

last weekend and today my hubby and kids have been doing yardwork. last week was trimming up some limbs, today its finishing up the limbs needing to be trimmed and mowing the grass. They do this one because it needs to be done and to give me some time to get some of my stuff done. Which I think is so sweet. I got some house work done, like the dishes from last night that did not get done. I am now going to get things ready so my family can shower and I can get the laundry started. I will get writing done after my family come in from do the yardwork. Well I am off to do the last few things I need to do Happy reading Happy writing

A question I have been asked more then once in my writing life

  I thought it was time to answer this question for everyone afaird to ask. What's the question? The question is where do I get all the anger to write the fight scenes, battles. From my every day life I tell the people who have asked me. But it's more then just my life it's events like today that fuel the fights and battles in my stories.   My dad is sick he has cancer, it has spread through out his body and the only thing we can do is try to keep him comfortable. But he is a fighter and has been fighting to be around for his grandkids to remember him. He has been in the hospital for pneumonia at least once that I know of and once he was in the hospital no one told me about. Well he had a nasty cough and was running a fever the last time I talked to him which was Saturday ( April 11th) I called yesterday around noon to see how he was doing and got no answer. I got worried and texted my mom and one of my sisters not long after I tried calling my dad. I did not get an answe...

It's april

Yes its April first also know as April fools day. There were and no pranks pulled on anyone in my home. There is no point to them, at least that's the way I see it. I like April its when spring really starts, most of my flowers start blooming, and the trees start getting leaves. It's like the the whole world is waking up. This Sunday is Easter, my kids get baskets and we do an egg hunt with plastic eggs filled with candy or toys or some times money. They have a great time every year, I know the time will come they will stop believing in the Easter bunny and will not want to do an egg hunt. But until then I will do it every year. I was trying to write today but laundry got in the way, then dishes, sigh I will be trying again more than likly after my kids get home so I don't run late going to get them. I am hoping to get writing down the next few day since the kids will be off school for spring break til Monday ( they go back Tuesday). Monday is also mine and hubby'...

Motherhood and writing

   Laurell K. Hamilton posted a blog today that got me thinking ( her blog post  ) I agree with her you do not have to give up everything to be a parent, mom or dad unless you choose to.    I did give up my writing while I was pregnant and had my kids (they are 23 months apart), at least until my youngest was a year and a half. I would write while they napped, and while they and my hubby slept at night. I did not writing really productively (more then a few pages a week) until they where both in school. What I did was my choice and my loving hubby was ok with me being a stay at home mom. I am still a stay at home mom but I am a writer as well, I may not be a world famous one yet but I am still a writer.    It makes me feel good that I am not the only one that thinks just being a mom is all women can be. We can be whatever we want to be and a mom, just some c...


Yes it's offically spring here and I am very happy that the weather is getting warmer.the only down side to it being warmer is I have to try to get myself to sit and write instead of outside doing other things. So far being outside has been winning, but today after I get my daughter's glasses fix (I have to take them in to the eye dr office to get a noise piece replaced). I plan on just sitting and writing til the kids get home from school. Tho it's going to be hard with all the new flowers coming up and all the birds singing. Temping me to go play outside instead of playing in my own little world. I better get going on my housework so I will have it done before I go get her glasses fixed. Happy reading Happy writing


I think I will post a snippet of what I have been working on lately. Please keep in mind that this is just a rough draft and more then likely will change a bit. “Why blue, I hate blue,” I complained in a whine.  “Because I want all my bridesmaids to wear my favorite colors,” Emma said.  I sulked sitting out of the way in the main alterations room of the bridal shop, “you  know I don’t look good in blue but navy blue is worse.”  I like navy blue so deal with it,” Emma snapped.  “Fine,” I said.   I sat in the navy blue ocean, which was my dress; it was one of those dresses with three  petite coats to poof it out and had a tight sleeveless bodice with a matching wrap, even the old  fashion shoes matched the dress. I felt like a damn cake topper and I hated it, but since there  were only two women in this synod, other than the bride I was roped being into being part of  the wedding. I sighed as I watched Kara get her ...

Finding it hard to sleep

  yes I know I posted earlier about how long this week seems to have been and it's only Wednesday.  But I am having a hard time falling asleep tonight, so I thought I would blog again and maybe empty out my thoughts will help me get some sleep. I think I have too many things running through my head to sleep so I will spill some here. I will try to keep the thoughts about writing but I am sure some mommy thoughts will spill out too.   First I will tell you I have always had an issue sleep at night, I think it might have something to do with working nights for a long time for my parents cinema cleaning company. But being a mom of school aged kids I have to be able to sleep at night so I can get them up for school at 6:30am every school day. They are 10 and 12 so they have not gotten the hung of getting up on their own doing the week, but have no issues on the weekends.   When the kids were younger I used to a lot of my writing at night since we did not need to be u...

What a week and it's only Wednesday....

This has been a long week already and it's only Wednesday, Monday was awful cold and nasty. My wonderful hubby stayed home from work long enough to get the kids to school in warmth, the kids had practice that night which went well. I got laundry and housework done Monday and yesterday but no writing. Today I actually got some writing done today and plan on doing more. Tonight we are suppose to get more snow and it is not suppose to stop until tomorrow afternoon I believe. I hate getting my kids out in the cold to go to school, I know it may not seem super busy or bothersome to most but it is more then the norm for us. I hope the rest of this week and next week will go a bit better. Well I am off to go get my kids Happy reading Happy writing

A very cold week

This week started with snow storms but the kids were off school Monday for president's day so I wasn't worried. Then they were off Tuesday because of the cold and snow, they went to school Wednesday, off yesterday ( Thursday ) and back to school today (Friday ). So not much writing has been done. But that's ok I got to do more mommy stuff with my kids. We are suppose to get ice and sleet storms tonight and in to the weekend, the kids might not have school Monday but after Monday it's supposed to get warmer ( in to the 30's maybe 40's) which will be nice.  Well since the kids are in school today I am off to write. Happy reading Happy writing

The weekend where January ended and February started

This was the weekend where Saturday was January 31 and Sunday was February 1 which I think was kind of cool. Yesterday was the Super Bowl and I am happy for the fans of the winning team and I feel for the fans of the team that did not win. I only watched the super bowl for the commercials which were really good this year.  I spent a lot of my time Friday and Saturday writing but not on my current wip. I was working on story for my daughter, I am not sure how long it will be or if there is going to be more then one. I just want to write something my daughter can show her friends and say with a big smile on her face " my mommy wrote this just for me." It makes me feel good when she likes what she reads and I know she will like it. Also I want to brag on my daughter, she took part in the young author thing that her school takes apart in every year. We will not know anything until I think April. Even if she doesn't win I am so proud of her for even being brave enough to sen...

The start of the new year

The new year started off cold! We had a few days where the temps were near 0 degrees and the wind chills made it -20 to -30. Needless to say the kids missed a few days of school. With all the really cold weather came stress and worry about my kids staying warm while waiting for the school bus. Then there was stress add when our only car had to be put in the the shop not once but twice. We have the car back now and seems to be fixed * knocks on wood*. The stress and worry effected my writing more then I thought it did ( now that I reread what I wrote over the last few week). So I have been doing a lot of rewriting over the last couple days now that I am not as stressed or worried, today was the first day that I wrote some fresh new writing:) I thought I might write a post to show that all authors are human and life stresses and worry does effect us just like everyone else. And like everyone else we need to learn to handle the stresses, which can be really hard at times. I know this ...