Busy few weeks

I am sorry I did not get on here to wish you all a happy 4th of July. I have had a busy few weeks, first one of my hedgehogs had to go to the vet, everything seems ok but I have to take her back in a few weeks. Then we had a family friend here until the 7th. I have had so much going on being a good hostess.

I got all the paperwork I needed to get the kids for school and got their bus stops straighten out so I got everything done. I am now just waiting on the date I will be regestering them for school.

I finally got the story done enough to send in to the writer workshop. I hope I can get it mail out tonight so I know it will be post marked for the 11th. I also hope they accept it. I will not know for alittle while if they do or not.

Now I can get back to my edits and my writing, and my normal life.

I am off to write
Happy writing
Happy reading


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