
Showing posts from March, 2014

Oh no not snow

We woke up to a light blanket of snow this morning, we were not to happy with it. But it should be gone since it is about 37 degrees outside right now. I have been writing a bit but there seems something not quit right going on with the story. I have to see if I can find what's wrong and fix it,  I did not get any writing done yesterday due to all the extra stuff I had to get done before practice last night.  I am going to have to go get my kids soon. Have a great day Happy reading Happy writing

First day of spring

It will be spring around noon but right now it's still cold winter it's only about 36 degrees here. But it will be in the 60's when I get the kids from their bus stops this afternoon. Today will be a good day to write some which has not happened the past few days due to life getting in the way.... Again. I better get going I need to get the kids ready for school have a great day everyone Happy reading Happy writing

How I handle negative criticism

 I handle constructive criticism pretty well, if it's about grammar,spelling or what not I make the needed changes and thank you pointed them out to me. If it's about my plot  or how I ended it I think about what they said and if I believe it would help to change a few things I do if not I tell them thank you but I am leaving it they way it is.  Now if they get personal I usually go to my hubby and talk to him about what was said and how I feel. He can normally calm me down enough not to lash out at the negative comment maker. It helps a lot to have supportive people around you. It is alway hard for them negativeity to get to you but you always need to let it go. I am off to write Happy reading Happy writing

Cold, nasty day ,and sickness

Today is a cold rainy day which kind of sucks. It makes me sad that it was so nice the last couple days and now it's cold. My hubby our daughter and I are sick with head colds. It just makes us feel kind of crappy but nothing too bad. I will be trying to write some today just not sure how much I will get done. I better get going Happy reading Happy writing

Spring and word count

First it looks like spring is fighting free of winter. Today it is going to get to about 50 outside which is great and the next few day will be warmer too. My family is very happy about this :) we like springtime. I think I found away to help keep me on track with my writing. I have set a goal of 500 words a day and to keep me accountable my writing group is helping keep track of every writer who set a daily word count goal. I think this is really helping I have aright have almost 3,000 more words then I did the beginning of last week. I am really excited. I might actually get done by the end of the year. :D


It is looking very nice out but it's still cold. But my writing is doing better I decided that my word count needed to be raised to give myself a challenge. That has been helping my writing come along really well. Now if I can remember to charge my laptop I would not have to stop so often. I am off to see if it's charged enough to turn on Happy reading Happy writing

Will winter go away

I am starting to think that we will never get out of the nasty cold yuck of winter. I do know we will but it may take another few weeks maybe longer to get out of winter. But today is one of those day that it seems like winter will never end. Yesterday we had freezing rain then sleet then snow (yay!...... Not) now it's maybe 13 outside with wind chills below zero. So it's a little to no writing day. Happy reading Happy writing