Summer break and writing

my kids are on summer break from school until August, so my writing schedule has to shift from  during the day to when my kids are in bed at night or when hubby is off and takes them out somewhere. I think this is something any parent who writes has to go through every year their kid(s) are in school until college. It can be frustrating but I love being around my kids and they are old enough to fix a sandwich for lunch and can entertain themselves, if I have a burst of inspiration or some idea I need to write down.

I am planing on spreading as much time as I can with them doing fun stuff, like going to the zoo and the park as many times as we can.

I just wanted to pop on real quick because I have not written a blog post in a while I figured it was time.
I am off to spread a little more time with my family before they all go to bed.
Happy reading
Happy writing


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