Finding it hard to sleep

  yes I know I posted earlier about how long this week seems to have been and it's only Wednesday.  But I am having a hard time falling asleep tonight, so I thought I would blog again and maybe empty out my thoughts will help me get some sleep. I think I have too many things running through my head to sleep so I will spill some here. I will try to keep the thoughts about writing but I am sure some mommy thoughts will spill out too.

  First I will tell you I have always had an issue sleep at night, I think it might have something to do with working nights for a long time for my parents cinema cleaning company. But being a mom of school aged kids I have to be able to sleep at night so I can get them up for school at 6:30am every school day. They are 10 and 12 so they have not gotten the hung of getting up on their own doing the week, but have no issues on the weekends.

  When the kids were younger I used to a lot of my writing at night since we did not need to be up so early. I did get more writing done today, after I had a panic attack for no reason what so ever I am not sure what triggered it. I am ok now and got about a page done since my last blog, I did not get more done due to helping my son with his homework, spending time with both my kids and hubby. ( I do not mind one bit giving up writing for some cuddles from my kids or my hubby) we had dinner then I tried to do some research on something I am writing for my daughter, I got frustrated by not finding anything useful and just shut down my computer to watch tv with my kids.

  I am kind of hoping my kids have school even with the incoming snow, it's my son's picture day and I am hoping the pictures turn out good. I will also get some more time to write as long as I don't have to much house work to do( i shouldn't have anything other then a few dishes) or have another panic attack.

  I have to get ahold of the guy editing my last finished story and see how it's coming( he is a good friend of mine and is not charging me to edit a 60,000 word story). I also need to see about get ahold of  one of the few beta readers I trust to see if he has time to read over the last story when I get done with the edit.

Ok I think I bored you all enough with my random thoughts, I think I will head to bed and try to sleep while I still can.

If you have any questions please ask I will answer as soon ask can.
Happy reading
Happy writing


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