Summer break is almost over And phone issues

My kids are starting school August 11th, I already got them regestered for school. I have to pick up my daughter's supplies I ordered for her, get what supplies I need to get for my son and they both need backpacks for school.

I am kind of sad that they will be going back to school soon I like having them around. But on the other hand I will be happy they are in school because I will get my writing time back, and I will get more stuff done while they are gone.

Now the phone issues, we have really bad cell signal since the road work started and we have to use the wifi calling feature on our phones. But my phone will not connect to the wifi calling and because it's not stopping me from using the phone I can't get a replacement. It is an issue since I use my phone as the main contact in every query letter I send And it's the only way the schools can get ahold of me if something happens to my kids. My hubby and I are hoping with the plan we have I can upgrade my phone with out any extra fees.

Well I am off to get some writing done while my kids are busy with their stuff.
Happy reading
Happy writing


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