Kids started school not I can't sleep

      Yup my kids started school today(August 11th) and I lost my ability to sleep and it sucks. I know I will fall asleep at some point I just need to get my brain to shut off basically. I go through this every year when my kids start school. I get thinking about all the stuff I need to do before the leave every morning and all the things I want to get done while they are gone. Then I think about making dr appointments and what not and trying to schedule them on days they are off school. With everything I think about I can't fall asleep and if I can't fall a sleep at night I and really tired all day which is not the best for writing. But I try to write anyway and I know when I finally get sleep when I should be sleep I will look at the writing I did while sleep deprived and ask my self "what on earth was I thinking?" And will end up deleting nearly of that work and basically start over. But such is life of a mother who is a writer.

Well I am off to try to get some sleep thank you for reading my off the wall blog post
Happy reading
Happy writing


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