Something writer need to be successful

We all know to be a good writer you need to write everyday, we need to keep learning from our mistakes, and of course it's a lot of hard work. But something I have not seen in many other writing blogs is writers need to have a good amount of support. Now I am not really talking support financially though that is helpful. I mean moral and sometimes emotional support of friends and family. If you do not have this support it does not mean you will never make it as a writer, but it will be harder because you will not have cheerleader(s) helping you keep trying.

I find having the support I have from some friends and some family is a big help to me not only are they my cheerleaders, but they are my sounding boards when I have ideas I am not sure sound right or would work at all. I can ask them about things I don't know a lot about and if they don't know they can point me to the right people to ask. They will get excited with me when I have good things happen, and they encourage me to enter contests or submit stories to acrique workshop that might help me with my writing.

Now that being said some people who say they support you but never says anything supportive or not really the people you need in your life. I know if it's family or a friend who is jelous of what you are doing But are good friends in other ways it can be hard to cut them out of your life completely. Don't cut them out unless they are toxic to your life. Other wise don't share what's happening in your writing life. It's something I have to do everyday and it is sad I can't share all the stuff going on with my writing, but it's better to not share then to hear how I will not get anywhere with my writing.

I think it would be good to have a good amount of support to help keep you writing but this is just my option.
I hope this was helpful I am off to write some before dinner
Happy reading
Happy writing


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