Writing, the upcoming holiday, and the end of the year

      I always have a hard time balancing my writing and the upcoming holiday, my family and I celebrate Christmas/Yule. With all the shopping I have/had to do I have the worst time trying to write. A lot of my problem is the amount of negitive people that are out and about this time of year and dealing with family issues that seem to get a lot worse this time of year as well. This year I did A LOT of my shopping on line, so there are only a few thing I need to actually have to go out to get. So writing has been a little easier but not as easy as the rest of the year.

             The other problem is family issues and I will not go in to them as it will just bring up more drama than what is really needed. We have Christmas at my in law's on Christmas Eve and we have Yule with my family on chritmas day after we have our own Yule that morning with just hubby, the kids and myself. Right now I can't wait until the holidays are over. But I will be a little sad that the year is ending though it was not as good as we hoped it would have been. We are hoping next year will be better.

I have written about the first werebison I have ever heard or read about, which I think is kind of cool. Well I better get going.

Happy reading
Happy writing


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