It's april

Yes its April first also know as April fools day. There were and no pranks pulled on anyone in my home. There is no point to them, at least that's the way I see it. I like April its when spring really starts, most of my flowers start blooming, and the trees start getting leaves. It's like the the whole world is waking up.

This Sunday is Easter, my kids get baskets and we do an egg hunt with plastic eggs filled with candy or toys or some times money. They have a great time every year, I know the time will come they will stop believing in the Easter bunny and will not want to do an egg hunt. But until then I will do it every year.

I was trying to write today but laundry got in the way, then dishes, sigh I will be trying again more than likly after my kids get home so I don't run late going to get them. I am hoping to get writing down the next few day since the kids will be off school for spring break til Monday ( they go back Tuesday).

Monday is also mine and hubby's wedding anniversary, we will be married for 14 years that day. It's hard to believe it's been that long it seems like we were just married the other day. And I would not give up one day of the 14 years we have had together.

Well I better be off need to get lunch and finish up what laundry is left
Happy reading
Happy writing


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