Archon 39 is almost here and my son's braces

Archon is a couple weeks away, and I can't wait to go. The costume I wanted to do I can't do. So I changed what I am being. I am being a villager from brek( village in how to train your dragon). I am so doing the writer critique work shop again hopefully it will be better then the last two years.  I am excited about archon.

My son got the first rage of this braces, and I am feeling bad I have to limit what he can and can't eat and drink. I feel awful doing that. So we are not getting things he can't have until he gets his braces off . I have no idea when he will get them off I am hoping just a few years. But so far he is not complaining of any pain, though it's only 6 teeth right now so in time as they add teeth there will be pain.

I better get going so I can get my kids from school.
Happy reading
Happy writing


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