I'm sorry

   I am very sorry I have not posted in awhile, I wish I could say it was because I was writing or being productive. But that's not why I have not posted a blog in a while. Must of the issues are to do with my parents and siblings not really wanting to talk or see us in almost a year, I will not going in to anymore detail then that because I do not want to deal with the aftermath from my family if they read this blog post.

      The other stuff I have been dealing with is my birthday, yes I am now 36, and the chili cook off that took place last weekend. The chili cook off went well until my sister and her kids showed up then the chili sales petered off not sure if it was because of my sister or not but it happened.

  Now I am feel sad, and pissed off again because of the issues with my family. I think I need to just hide from everything and every one for a while. But I can't do that my kids still need me around.

I am getting off here and taking a nice warm shower and cuddle with hubby
Happy reading
Happy writing


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