
Showing posts from August, 2020

Archon has been postponed and school is starting.

     Archon 44 has been postponed until October of 2021, this is a bummer I look forward to going to archon every year. but I understand why and it is for the best. I am trying to stay positive and basically use the time until Archon in 2021 to get book 2 published and get the swag to go with it. So I am  more prepared. With everything going on in the world I don't think there will be any conventions for the rest of the year.     But it is hard on my book sales since I sold more at Archon last year than I have just promoting my book on line.  I am trying to find new ways to sell my books but without people reviewing my book its hard to get the word out. I know there are ways to get reviews but I refuse to pay for reviews. That feels like cheating to me and I want to do this through my hard work.      I know I am not the only person hurting due to the  pandemic. I know other small businesses that depend on cons and craft/vender fairs are having the same problems I am. All we can do