The weekend where January ended and February started

This was the weekend where Saturday was January 31 and Sunday was February 1 which I think was kind of cool. Yesterday was the Super Bowl and I am happy for the fans of the winning team and I feel for the fans of the team that did not win. I only watched the super bowl for the commercials which were really good this year.  I spent a lot of my time Friday and Saturday writing but not on my current wip. I was working on story for my daughter, I am not sure how long it will be or if there is going to be more then one. I just want to write something my daughter can show her friends and say with a big smile on her face " my mommy wrote this just for me." It makes me feel good when she likes what she reads and I know she will like it.

Also I want to brag on my daughter, she took part in the young author thing that her school takes apart in every year. We will not know anything until I think April. Even if she doesn't win I am so proud of her for even being brave enough to send her story in. Yes I do tell her that when ever I get the chance.

My son is not a writer which is fine, he is creative in other ways. He builds things that are sooo awesome out of Legos and other building things. I think he maybe a mechanic or some kind of machine builder. I am proud of him and he hears it just as often as his sister hears it.

I think I went on enough about my weekend and how of a mommy I am.

Happy reading
Happy writing


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