A question I have been asked more then once in my writing life

  I thought it was time to answer this question for everyone afaird to ask. What's the question? The question is where do I get all the anger to write the fight scenes, battles. From my every day life I tell the people who have asked me. But it's more then just my life it's events like today that fuel the fights and battles in my stories.

  My dad is sick he has cancer, it has spread through out his body and the only thing we can do is try to keep him comfortable. But he is a fighter and has been fighting to be around for his grandkids to remember him. He has been in the hospital for pneumonia at least once that I know of and once he was in the hospital no one told me about. Well he had a nasty cough and was running a fever the last time I talked to him which was Saturday ( April 11th) I called yesterday around noon to see how he was doing and got no answer. I got worried and texted my mom and one of my sisters not long after I tried calling my dad. I did not get an answer from anyone til that evening when my mom texted telling me he was in the hospital he would be there over night his heart was beating too fast. I just got a text within the last hour from my mom saying dad was home and he is ok. Nothing about why they took him in the first place, nothing about him being sick. Just that he was at hom and was ok.  I have the feeling if I had not tried to check on my dad no one would have told me shit and I will not find anything else out unless I start asking and being nosy. I am starting to feel like I am being ignored or that I am the black sheep of the family and no one wants anything to do with me.

  So you all have the answer to where I get all the anger to do the fight scenes and battles from events like this in my life. Rather that sit and cry and let the hurt eat me alive I uses the hurt and anger to write the aweful scenes my novels need to move forward.

Now I am off to write
Happy reading
Happy writing


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