Motherhood and writing

   Laurell K. Hamilton posted a blog today that got me thinking ( her blog post ) I agree with her you do not have to give up everything to be a parent, mom or dad unless you choose to.

   I did give up my writing while I was pregnant and had my kids (they are 23 months apart), at least until my youngest was a year and a half. I would write while they napped, and while they and my hubby slept at night. I did not writing really productively (more then a few pages a week) until they where both in school. What I did was my choice and my loving hubby was ok with me being a stay at home mom. I am still a stay at home mom but I am a writer as well, I may not be a world famous one yet but I am still a writer.

   It makes me feel good that I am not the only one that thinks just being a mom is all women can be. We can be whatever we want to be and a mom, just some careers it's harder to be both then others but it can be done.

   My kids love that I am a writer, they think it's cool that I can make up whole worlds out of nothing. My daughter wants to be a writer, a vet, a police officer, a teacher. My son wants to be a fire fighter, I tell them both you can be whatever you want to be no matter what anyone says or thinks.

Ok not that my writing laptop is done updating I am off to write some more, please check out the link I posted its a good blog.
Happy reading
Happy writing


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