Writing and my kids dance practice

  Yesterday was the first dance practice of they year and my kids were happy to be back at practice, they get about two hours a week more exercise when they have practice. They also sleep better when they have practice.

  For those who just started reading my blog or for those who may not remember my kids ( who are my 12 year old daughter and my 14 year old son) are part of a Native American interpretive dance group. The group is called the Kahok dancers, my kids have been part of this group for almost 7 years now. They have practice every Monday in a moose lodge in  caseyville Illinois which is not too far from where we live.

   I normally write during practice, The reason I didn't yesterday was that I had gotten in the habit of writing where my word count started, end and the total for everytime I write. Which is something new I am trying to help keep me writing. I had not taken the notepad I am writing that stuff down in and I was lost. It's a habit I want to keep, so I need to remember my notepad on Mondays so at practice I can do what I started at the end of last year.

Well I will be getting my husband up soon, so I am going
Happy reading
Happy writing


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