Trying to make a hard decision

  As some of you know I have been working on book 3 in my Werejaguar series. Well I was going over book 2 and realized or re-realized I guess would be a better way to say it, well anyway I saw it was only about 46,000 words which is too short and I'm not sure book 3 will be much longer than book 2. I am trying to decide if I should combined books 2 and 3 in to one book which would be book 2. Or if I should leave them as two separate books and try to work them to be longer.

  I have been trying to make this decision for awhile now. I want to keep them like they are but they are not long enough. If I put them together it would make them into one longer book and would have to find a way to blend them together. I know I should beable to make this decision with out much problem but I am having a really hard time with it.

  In other writing news, I have been working on a couple other story ideas which look promising. I am hoping one of them will be ready to be edited soon. I also am trying to work on my pooka story I started writing for my daughter a few years ago. It's harder to work on for me since its in third person, but I want to get it done so my daughter can have it.

  Well I need to get back to my writing, if any of you which to comment please do so. Just keep it positive no negitive stuff thank you.

Happy reading
Happy writing


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