It's a new year and snow

   Well this is the first post of the new year it's 2017, the kids started back at school today and it's snowing. It's not a lot but it's enough to make it slippery and it's flipping cold out. Yea I know of course it's cold it's snowing. I always hate going out in the snow but I hate getting my kids out in it more.

   I have been writing, and I sent some query letters out. That brings me to yesterday, I sent querys out yesterday in the morning. I didn't think I would hear back from any of them for a while if at all. We one of the agents I queried yesterday sent a rejection by like 12:30 pm. That was the fastest rejection I have ever gotten. I will not allow that to discourage me from getting an agent before the end of the year.

I am hoping to get the W. I. P done before too long and get it out for editing. I am going to get published one day soon.

Well I better get back to my writing, have a great day
Happy reading
Happy writing


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