The blog, my writing, life

I know I have not been posting the most involved posts, and that sometimes I miss a few days. I am trying to post daily but some days there does not seem to be much I can post about. I am sure you do not want to hear about the mundane(sp) day to day stuff that as a mother and wife I do. So I try to only post the bigger stuff (i.e. my kids starting school, about the death of a friend) and about my writing. I am trying to do better and trying to post things that might be mildly interesting for you. I would love you any of you to ask questions about things you would like to know. I will answer them in the blog posting after they are asked.

My writing is coming along slowly after what happened to our good friend and fellow dancer. I have been mainly working on some edits I got back but that is slow going as well. But I am making progress. I am going to try to write more today. I may start trying to do some on days like today I am up earlier then I need to be.

Our life is very very slowly getting back to normal. My kids seem to be getting back to normal faster then the adults around them are. I know it will take some time he was an amazing person and he will be sorely missed.
The kids first week of school is almost over they have today and tomorrow then we will have the weekend which is busy like most of our weekends.

I am going to try and get some writing done
I hope everyone has a great day
Happy reading
Happy writing


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