
I am posting a paragraph of my next book if you don't want to read it close this post right now

Here is your sneak peek

My story begins with me in the large garden of my newly remodeled two story Victorian home. I was
getting my garden ready for winter, when all of a sudden I heard a rustle of leaves in the woods. I
looked up to see two very large green eyes watching me.  At first I just kept working until I heard a low
growl come from the woods. I look up again and saw whatever was in the woods had gotten closer. I
slowly got up and started backing away thinking 'if I can just get in the house I will be ok.'  I was within
three feet of my back door when it jumped me, knocking me to the ground. When I realized it was a
giant beast twice the size of any man. I screamed for help but the last thing I remember was the
pain of being bitten and then it all went black.

Please let me know what you think


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