November recap

   November was an OK month for me, no book sells but had time with family and friends. The start of the month mostly consisted with getting some corrections from one beta reader. Which was very helpful, and minimal suggestion from another beta reader who didn’t seem to really want to help me. So I have been trying  to get everything else done so I can publish book 3, I am still hoping for the end of the month but it’s looking like it might be the beginning of the new year.

   The middle of the month I was still working on the corrections but took a small break and was the photographer at a friend’s wedding. I took some time and edited photos for her so she had some really nice pictures. I also did a bunch of promotional stuff for all the books I have out plus the one I am trying to get published.

    The end of the month was of course Thanksgiving and spent the day spending time with family and trying to enjoy their company. I finished up the corrections and made a few changes that I knew needed to be made. I started working on book 4 again, I have been transcribing everything I wrote on paper into the document on my computer. 

   The last week we heard our friend lost her mom, so I have been checking in on her from time to time. Basically letting her know we understand and are here for her if she needs us. I am still working on promoting, and writing but not as much as I know I should be but I feel for my friend and finding it hard to concentrate on my work.

    Now the beginning of December is going alright, I saw a dr. for my hearing, they want to do some imaging of my ears, I am getting blood work done, and going to get an allergy test done. So I might get some answers about my health. 

I need to get some work done, I hope you all are having a great day.

Happy reading 

Happy writing 


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