It’s hard not to be discouraged

I know it’s hard not to get discouraged or frustrated or feel like you’re failing. But don’t give up I’m writing this Mainly because I keep hearing about in the reading and seeing writers, artists, people in general we are trying to follow their dreams and getting discouraged. Because  you’re either being rejected or so not going the way they want and I want to encourage you don’t give up. I want to tell you a short story about my kids first, my daughter  who is 15 almost 16. You see since she was 5 years old she wanting to be a veterinarian. She’s told me over and over does she want to be a vet now over the years the type of vet has changed from being like a small animal dog and cat type. to being an exotic vet so she could take care of her mothers, my hedgehogs. To be an all encompassing Vet. one that sees large animal cows, horses and small animals and everything in between. she got that idea from Dr. Pol, from the incredible Dr. Pol. At 5 years old when she asked me what does it take to be a veterinarian and I told her that she had to be very very good at math and she’s going to have to take a class or two maybe more on animals like how their bodies work and all that. My daughter who again is 15 has decided to take medical terminology next year which will be her junior year in high school. my daughter has taken biology and all the math and she can take up to this point she’s worked her butt off because she wants to be a veterinarian that badly now that doesn’t encourage you I don’t know what will. I know she encourages me every day on my days where I am down and I feel like I’m failing and I can’t do this no more.  I’ll never make it as a writer I think about my daughter and  how she told me at five years old that she wants to be a vet and how far she’s already came. So I fight and I work towards my goal.

Now I’m not trying to brag and tell you how much better my daughter is an any of you because she’s not. She’s just working a little tushy off  to get to where she wants to be. I am telling you this to inspiration you. that if a child at five years old tells you she wants to be a vet or anything and then from the time she starts school until now like at 15 doing everything she can to be what she wants to be. It’s amazing. she fights and works every day for the last 10 years. She’s even talking about going to Germany because it’s cheaper for a foreign student to be able to get their degree in whatever they want because she doesn’t want us to go broke sending her to college. I’m proud of my children my daughter is doing amazingly well.

 Now my son he is 17 almost 18, he is just a smart and wants to be a welder because he knows that there’s too many people working on computers. So he’s doing what he needs to do to become a good welder. He already got one to the certification and he got that when he was a junior, last year He’s going to have another one by the end of this year when he graduates, possibly two. He is getting college credit and they will be transferring over to swic, Southwestern Illinois College. he’s got like 15 credits he’s going to be getting everything he needs to be a good welder. So both my kids are smart just different and I fight because I want them to see mom is doing good to They inspire me every day.

Find some thing or someone that inspires you. So when you get down  think about it or them, think about what makes them so inspiring to you can you work hard to your dream.

I got  to get going, I got to get working on my dream
 happy reading
happy writing


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