How I became a writer

I touched base on this in other post, videos, letters but I never went in to too much detail. I thought I would touch base more on, no touch base with the wrong word give you more information on how I became a writer. I have always written something a good majority of my life, but because I was so good at drawing and artsy stuff like that I follow that dream for a while. When I was in high school I took art classes, I took sculpture, I and metalworking, all artsy stuff. I also start writing more while I was in high school. I took creative writing classes and my teachers did not like what I wrote they said that what I wrote was too scary it was horror, and it was it good blah blah blah.

You see I have always written about monsters, and I’ve never just written monsters like you see on the horror movies or in most horror book. I wrote from the monsters point of you. I wrote things that people didn’t understand. So I didn’t really follow that a whole lot, but I continued  to write. But when I was 19 I was in a very bad very abusive relationship, and I lost my ability to draw because of certain things that happened I lost some of the nerves that you need for pressure. The type of pressure you need to hold a pencil lightly to do the light stroke so the picture looks airy it looks soft and it doesn’t look harsh.

That’s when my writing took off I wrote so much and it was so much darker than what I wrote in high school. So dark that it scared me, but I had to get that out because that was part of my healing from the relationship. I never let anyone read it because I didn’t want people to think I was completely and utterly insane. When I met my husband I made him promise that he would never read what was in that notebook. When  he asked me why I told him that I don’t want to see the dark evil thoughts I had when I was in such a dark dark place. He said “OK I won’t,” and we packed it up with all my other stuff and we stored in the storage unit not too far from where my family lives.

 unfortunately it’s flooded, and I lost a lot of my stuff, but something I am grateful that got lost was that notebook. It was destroyed by the water and it was molded and you couldn’t read it anymore. I was grateful. That part of my life is over and I moved forward. I wrote constant when I wasn’t working, because when we first got married I was working for my family. I was cleaning theaters at night seven days a week. It was hard but I found an hour a day where I could write. My husband saw some of the stuff I was writing. He said “wow baby this is good, you should get it published.” I just giggled and told him he was silly.

 But the more I wrote the more I thought maybe he was right. Maybe I should get my stuff published. The only issue really that I had at that moment was I am not great with English. Not English the language, I mean spelling, punctuation ,and grammar tenses. That sort of stuff I’m not good at, I never have been. I have to find people in my life that  are good at that. People who  going to go and tell me what I need to do to fix my mistakes.

I have people like my friend Dean Criddle he is a sports writer for a newspaper, I have my mother-in-law who thinks it’s fun to diagrams a sentence. So yeah I have people in my life they can help me with That. Even with their help it took me a long time to be brave enough to send my book, my first story that I am finished that is more than a couple pages to an editor. I sent it to an editor in 2018. It was published January 2019. I have book two with my editor, and I’m hoping to have it published before October. But because I never know how long it’s going to take to edit, I never know how long it’s going to take to go through the publishing process. It may not be out until the end of the year. which would be OK but I really want it to get to archon this year.

That is how I became a writer
I have writing to do have a great day
Happy reading
Happy writing


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