Doing it again

As you all know I am going through the editing and publishing process again. I am really excited about it but I am also very nervous all at the same time. I want to share this process with all you you again. Because it’s been over a year (almost 2) since I went through the editing part. It might be different this time, I may not have the same editor as last time.

No thing is really happening right now, I have signed the contract and made a payment (yes I am paying the editor to do the editing) yesterday. I also sent in my manuscript for the editor to read. I hope it’s not in too bad of shape.  I am still kind of in disbelief I am doing it again though I know it’s happening. I know it will be a lot of work but it will be worth it in the end. I am also going to be sharing the process for all the new writers out there who want to go this route.

I need to get to writing book 3 until I hear from the editor. Have a great day

Happy reading
Happy writing


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