You have to follow your own path

   I wanted to let you all know what something I find inspiring. Its simple and silly I know. I was watching a video on Facebook one day and it was about artist to was feeling very low and like she’s a failure. Because she wasn’t where her friends were, being that they had families or getting married or had great careers. Then her boyfriend came in her apartment which was messy and said it’s time to stop the  pity party and through his phone on the bed near her. It was open to a tumblr  site and she’s reading through the stories were all these other people that have been in the same spot she’s been in.  One sentence and I know I am  going to butcher this, but it’s basically goes “You can’t follow other peoples paths and forget to create your own.” Basically  it means you have to do what makes you happy. Follow your own dreams, don’t try to follow someone else’s dream. Don’t follow their path, create your own to your own dreams. Keep going, don’t compare yourself to them, you are you, you have your own dreams.

   Sometimes that’s hard for me to remember that and I’m having a low moment in my life. I still have hard days, but then I go back and I watch that video again and I remind myself I am following my own path. That I’m not going to reach the same stage everyone else reaching right now.  That it’s  going to take time for me to get where I’m going to be. But one day I will be where I want to be and I will be sitting there at a book signing or a question question answer thing. I will be that semi famous if not completely utterly famous best-selling author one day. But I have to remember to write my own stories write stories I want to write, that I want the world to read.

    That goes for any type of creating, if you draw keep drawing, if you paint keep painting. If you sing keep singing, if you play music keep playing. Do what makes you happy to reach your goals at your own pace,and it’s always great to have a great support group around you. In my case I have my husband, my mother-in-law, my sister-in-law, my brother-in-law, my nieces, my children, and several very good wonderful friends. They all support my dreams and they are there for me and they will give me their honest opinion. If it’s not good they tell me where to fix it. Right now I have one book published, it was actually edited by professional editor and it’s out there for the world to get it.

    It’s not selling as well as I want but you know what I’m doing everything within my power to get it out there. I’m still the unknown, but I have to try harder. In October I’m going to archon, I have a table set at archon. I will be selling my books at archon, and I am praying that sales get better. That I’ll be able to say hey this is what I’ve done,  this is where I am. I want you all to be able to reach that point in your life, whatever your dream is go for it, do what you need to do to get there. As long as it does not hurt anyone, that does not cause harm and does not ruin anything else. just keep going on your path to be what you want to be.

It’s time for me to get to bed.

happy reading
happy writing
happy creating


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