I have been wondering about something.

    I have been thinking about something for a few weeks now and was wondering what you all think. OK, let me star by saying that a friend of mine had let someone she knows borrow the book she bought from me earlier this year. She told me her friend was being pulled out of the story by a term I used in the book. The term was “felinethropy” it’s a made up word for any feline Werecreature like in my book Werejaguars.

    Now I understand it’s a new word and for anyone who read Laurel K Hamilton books it might be off putting a bit. So what I have been thinking about is making up a terminology sheet for my books. I thought it might be helpful since I have made up words and use words that may not originally be used in the way I am using them.

    Would you want the list? If so would you want it on here or just on my website? What if I gave it away when I sell my books in person at Archon this year?

I would love to here your input on this.

Now it’s back to writing before my family gets up for work and school

Happy reading
Happy writing


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