My proof copy, and meeting with my publisher

You read it in the title, I finally got my proof copy of  'New Life By The Full Moon' and so far everything is looking good. I am super excited and I am doing everything I can to get the word out.

I also had a meeting with my publisher and she gave me some more tools to use to get my name out there and to get better at promoting my book. As soon as the book is prefect pre sales will start and it will be out in January. I can't wait, I just hope it's received well.

I know this is one of my shorter blogs, I promise to try to get some longer ones in here soon.

I need to try and get some sleep but before I go I will leave you with a question.

Which is sexier a vampire? Or a werecreature such as a werewolf or Werejaguar?

If you would like to answer please leave it in the comments.

Happy reading
Happy writing


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