Working on promoting and Archon42

I have been working on promoting my book the best way I can. I post on social media and blog as you know. But as of the last couple weeks I haven't got any information on my book from the publisher. The main person I am in contact with has had family a personal issues, she did let me know that. But I was hoping to get the bookmark designs and pop up banner design by now with Archon 42  being next weekend.

I don't want to push I know the issues she has going on its hard to keep up with everything. So I decided to make up some fliers with the mock up cover and the synopsis. I also plan on putting my social media addresses and all that on the fliers. So I can set them out along with my business cards. At least I will be getting the word out about my book.

I am going to Archon 42 on the 12, 13, 14 of this month, I am not a guest and I will not be doing panels but I will be wondering around and going to panels. So if you are there and which to talk all you have to do is come find me. Then the 15 is my 39th birthday so it's going to be an eventful weekend for me.

With all this going on I will be writing or editing.

Well I beter get back to work
Happy reading
Happy writing


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