Archon and everything else

 First I will say I am alright I hurt my back last week but I am doing better with the help of my chiropractor.

Now on to Archon, it was a blast I had a lot of fun and I met an author and the illustrator (who is also a writer). They where awesome. The author I met was Jessica Mathews I got her book Death Adjacent. ( this is the information I have to find her @jessicamathewsbooks the book I got is an adult book and so far is really good. The  illustrater/author I met is Jennifer Stolzer. (Her website is I haven't started her books yet my daughter has them as soon as she is done I will have her do a guest blog post about them. I think you all should check them out.

On to my book news. I got the digital formatted copy of New Life By The Full Moon, I found a few things that needed to be fixed. I sent the list to the publisher the next step is the proof copy of the ebook. If everything is good it should be out the begainning of next year. Keep an eye out on my social media pages to get the release date. I am soo excited!!!

Well I better get to bed
Happy reading
Happy writing


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