Update in the publishing process :)

  I know I have posted a lot this month and I know not all posts have been very along or the best for everyone. I will do my best to get better posts ups for you wonderful people.

  The last couple weeks have been a whirl wind of ups and downs, not all from writing or the publishing process which is the main reason for this post. But I want you all to understand that I am a real person with life issues like everyone else. So I am going to touch on everything from things in my personal life to my writing life.

   I will start with some publishing stuff, I got my photo shoot done and just waiting on images to come back. I was asked to send in my author bio and synopsis of my book which I did. But will in the process of doing that my personal life got kind of in the way. You see my family and I had to end a friendship with someone who had been in our life for many years. He had lied to us for many months about something stupid. He was not keeping the promises to the kids and my husband and I decided it was time to end it. This person has made it out to be all our fault, which I truly don't care what he thinks any more. But it really hurt that he did what he did and that it had to end they way it did.

  To keep from hurting so much I have thrown myself in to my writing, along with all my duties as a wife and mother. I had realized that I had not got gotten an update on the line edits and cover design for a couple weeks. I contacted the publisher asking about these things. She got back to me with updates:) the line edits should be done today (Friday August 31st) she had to have the cover artist revise the cover due to a misunderstanding of information. That should be done soon.

  I am still writing on the third book( I might be splitting book two back to book two and three so the current book three might become book four) and I am still promoting New Life By The Full Moon like mad so the world knows it is going to be coming out soon ( still don't know for sure when I am thinking about December maybe January)

Thank you all for your support please take the time to subscribe to my newsletter you can do so towards the bottom of this blog page. Now I am off to get some work done before hubby gets up for work.

Happy reading
Happy writing


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