school starting and staying busy

That's right my kids have started school they are both now in high school. my beautiful daughter is now a freshman in high school, and my handsome son is a junior. I feel happy they are growing up and doing so well in school (my daughter is taking sophomore English, math , and science and my son is in welding and is getting college credits for it. he is also taking driver's ed behind the wheel.) but I am sad as well because they are growing up :(. yes I know they have to grow up but I miss when they were little.

    To keep myself from feel sad(like I do at the beginning of every school year) I am trying to stay very busy which is really easy now that I am trying to promote my book I am in the process of having published. Lately I am work on trying to have professional photos done but it is hard when you don't have a lot of money to spend on them. I have a few places I am looking in to because they are not too much. I have also been working on a short story, but I will tell you more about that later.

     I do want to let you know I do have a news letter and you can subscribe to it toward the bottom of my blog.

  well I need to get going I got to get my kids up for school soon.
happy reading
happy writing


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