Update in the publishing process :)
I know I have posted a lot this month and I know not all posts have been very along or the best for everyone. I will do my best to get better posts ups for you wonderful people. The last couple weeks have been a whirl wind of ups and downs, not all from writing or the publishing process which is the main reason for this post. But I want you all to understand that I am a real person with life issues like everyone else. So I am going to touch on everything from things in my personal life to my writing life. I will start with some publishing stuff, I got my photo shoot done and just waiting on images to come back. I was asked to send in my author bio and synopsis of my book which I did. But will in the process of doing that my personal life got kind of in the way. You see my family and I had to end a friendship with someone who had been in our life for many years. He had lied to us for many months about something stupid. He was not keeping the promises to the...