The solar eclipse

Today is the day we are having a total solar eclipse. So I figured I should post something special.
In honor of the solar eclipse I have written a short story in Ann’s world. Enjoy!!

We had been hearing for months that there was going to be a solar eclipse. I didn’t really think much of it I had seen partial solar eclipse when I was a kid, I knew the only difference between that one and this one was this was going to be a full eclipse but not everyone would see it in totality. I was super excited about it I never have been one to get excited about it.

Joe on the other hand was ok until about a week ago. He started getting worried but didn’t tell my what was going on until a couple days ago when I woke up to hear him talking on the phone.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed talking on the phone. He was trying to be as quiet as he could. I woke up with my back to him and I heard him say “how will it effect us. I know the partial eclipses and lunar eclipses don’t seem to bother the older Weres but the newer one have a hard time not changing”

“ I know, this only happens once ever hundred years or so here and you where not here when the last one happened sir.” That’s when I knew he was talking to Corey. “ I was hoping you knew someone from somewhere that a full solar eclipse happened more recently.” He paused to listen for a moment, “yes sir I would so I could get some idea how it would effect Ann and myself. I would hate to change in the middle of town while we are watching the eclipse with the rest of the town. No I just don’t want to scare anyone and have a some person shot us thinking we are attacking them”

I rolled over and touched his back which made hi jump and look at me with a sad look then said “ ok sir please get back to me when you can” and he hung up the phone.

I sat up and hugged him and asked him “why didn’t you tell me you were worried about the eclipse?”

“I didn’t want to worry you, I thought if I could get some idea how we would be effected I could keep us from get hurt or hurting anyone else” he said looking down at his phone. I guess he was hoping it would ring.

“But if you would have told me your concerns I would have suggested like I am now, that we can try and watch it here in the back yard or on T. V. there are few news channels that will be broadcasting it from beginning to end.” I said then kissed his cheek. “You know I am not a fan of words and it’s just an eclipse.”

“But Ann this is a once in a lifetime event, how can you not be excited about it?” He asked a little surprised.

“It’s not something I find interesting, and it’s very hard for me to get excited about it.” I said.

“Than why did you let me get you the special glasses and agree to go downtown with  me?” He asked a little bothered.

“Because Joe, you are excited about it and wanted me to share in the event with you. Because I love you and want to do everything I can to make you happy.” I said making sure he looked at me as I finished “ and if watching the solar eclipse makes you happy I will watch it with you just to see you get excited about it and listen to you talk about it with a smile on your face. It makes me happy to see you happy”

He smiled and kissed me “I know there are things you do just because you want me happy, but if this is not something you want to do you don’t have to do it.” He said.

“I know, I want to do it because you want to and you want me there with you.”

He just smiled and kissed me again. “I love you”

“I love you too” I replied just as the phone rang.

As Joe answered the phone I got up and went to take a shower so he could talk in private. I was not in the shower very long before Joe came in he looked sad.

I shut off the shower and asked him “what’s wrong?” As I got out and dried off.

“That was Corey, he got ahold of someone who has been through a full solar eclipse” he said.

“Ok, and what did that person say?” I asked.

“That it would not be wise to watch it with humans around, since the full solar eclipse has a more powerful pull on us to change and Corey agrees.” He said with a sigh, “he said that it would be best to watch it from here so if we change we can go in the woods for a few hours before changing back.”

“If Corey thinks it’s best then I think we should listen to him.” I said.

“I know, but it’s not going to be the same.” He said like a dejected child.

I kissed him and said, “we will be better here, we don’t have to worried about being crammed into one spot with hundreds of other people and we can always go for a run in the woods when we change.” I was hoping that would cheer him up.

“I know” he said with a sigh.

“Plus I took the whole day off, so we can do all kinds of fun things before or after the eclipse.” I said with a devilish grin.

He looked at me and smiled, “gods I love you”

“I love you too” I said and kissed him. “But right now I need to get ready for work so I can have Monday off.”

The next few days were spent with me at work Friday while did his normal stuff, making phone calls to newer Weres to see how they where doing and other things with the Were help group. Saturday and Sunday where spend doing our weekly shopping and household chores. We also got things ready for Monday, we got extra clothes put in a bag near the back door so we could take them out with us so we have something to put on after we change back.

Monday morning we did everything we normally would until it got closer to the full solar eclipse before going out in the back yard. We stood closer to the woods. As it got closer to the sun being completely blocked out I could feel my bones start shifting and my skin getting tight. It was getting harder to concentrate on the eclipse by the time the moon started to move off the sun we where in our full beast forms. We cleaned each other while we hide in the woods before we went for a long run through the woods.

When we got back home the sun we shining and we were tired. We laid down in the shade of the trees and slept most of the afternoon. When we woke up we were back in our human form, we got dressed and went inside.

“I had fun today.” I said.

“So did I.” Joe said.

 “Good.” I said.

“I heard there will be another one in about seven years” Joe said with a smile.
I chuckled “I can’t wait.”

I hope you enjoyed the story
Happy reading
Happy writing


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