New school year, and getting fit

That's right my kids are going back to school today! My kids are very excited to be starting school today. I think they were getting bored this summer, I guess mom is not as cool to be around as they used to think. That's ok I understand they are 13 and 15.

  I am full of mixed emotions about them going to school. I am looking forward to being able to write with the sun being up again. But I will miss having them home. So I will being crying off and on for about a week. I know it's silly to get sad that my kids are growing up and going back to school but this is how I get every year. I will be ok in about a week.

  I have been going to a gym to exercise to help me lose some extra weight. Over the last month or so I was able to go at night but since the kids are back in school I have to try and go during the day while they are at school or in the evening when hubby gets home so I am not staying up so late. I need to lose about 50 lbs to be were I want to be. I also think the exercise might help with my stress and anxiety levels on top of have more energy and feeling better about how I look in and out of clothes.

  I am hoping the exercise will also help clear a way some creative road blocks I am having issues with as of late.

Well I better get back to being mommy and a wife my family will be up soon

Happy reading
Happy writing


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