Writing and weight loss

Yes you read that right, this blog is about writing and weight loss. Here is something I posted today on Facebook about weight loss and after I will explain why this is helpful for most people.

"Ok most of you know i am working on losing weight. I have been asked more then once why. So i decided i will post here why and how i am doing it.

I am not doing it for health issues though diabetes due to weight does run in my family a long with heart issues and high blood pressure. Me losing weight will lessen the chances of getting any of those issues. I do have hip, knee, and ankle issues and getting some weight off my body and strengthen the muscles around those joints will help.

I am not dieting, diets do not work. I am changing my lifestyle and eating habits. I exercise by walking, using my elliptical, and light weight lifting. I do these things every other day (m,w,f,su,tu,th,sat) i try to walk/elliptical for an hour and the arm lifts i do every other day 4 reps of 10. I do 15 squats everyday, its always best to move it helps your body use the calories you take in.

No i do not cut anything out completely of my diet. I limit my intake of foods that are not the best for me (junk foods, sweets) i add more healthy food to fill me up so i don't want a piece of cake or ice cream all the time. I have cut my soda intake way down i drink maybe 2 sodas a day. Instead i drink water, all different kinds of teas, Kool-aid.

Was it easy to make the changes? Yes, but it's hard to keep them, i am doing it to be healthy for myself.  Did it hurt? Yea i was sore for days after i worked out for awhile but i forced myself to keep going.  Now I am not as sore when I work out.

I am starting to see results my pants r so big i need a belt to hold them up. My shirts hang off me. My face looks thinner a friend of mine suggested a website called fit2me you can track your food and exercise and if you have some health issue they can help you find the right things for you.

He suggested this site because I was telling him I felt like I was in a food rut(same thing over and over)."

Ok here's what I discovered myself and from reading other writer's blog. If you excerised it help get the creativity flow because your body has used engery to move and and your body will relax. I know that is a little confusing. If I try to write before I have excerised I have pint up energy and I can't sit still. So I do something physical and I can write better. It seems like my brain works better when I am physically tired.

I am off to write
Happy writing
Happy reading


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