Not sure how this works

  Ok i got a rejection letter today from an agent that rejected me because i don't have a platform(a bunch of people who want to read my book). but one how do i get a platform if i do not have any other ways to get my name out there without being traditionally published.but i need a platform to get published.

 For those of you that follow this blog, you know i have this blog, a webpage, a twitter account , an author page on goodreads, a Facebook author page. I hand out busness cards everywhere i can. What more can i do with out being published?

I have been trying to figure this out, but all I got is I need to be published to get a platform but I need a platform to get published. How the heck does that work?

I am truly confused about how to get the one thing I need to get published without being published.

If any of you can help me figure this out comment or send me a message. I would be very grateful.

I am off to bed so I stop thinking so hard
Happy reading
Happy writing


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