End of the school year, and switching my writing schedule

   The end of the my kids' school year is here, at least for my son. Today is his last day of his freshman year of high school, he doesn't have to take finals due to his really good grades and his perfect attendance. My daughter's last day as a 7th grader is Tuesday. So by the middle of next week I will have both kids off for the summer.
   I always have a hard time switching my writing schedule to at night in the summer and during the day during school year. But I will get it worked out, I have been asked a few times why I switch my schedule. When I explan why other parents understand but I get more questions from people who don't have kids.

   I know I have explained why in a blog post here before but I think it's been I while. I will refresh my explaination. I switch to nights during the summer while my kids are off school because I will not have many distractions if any at all. If I try to write during the day while the kids are home they interrupt my writing, I know they don't do it on purpose, but it seems like they have radar for when I am busy. Plus during the summer we try to plan fun stuff to do during the day. During the school year it's better if I write during the day, the kids are in school hubby is at work it's normally quiet. And we all go to bed early so we can get up early in the morning for school and work. I get up early to keep the kids modivated so they get the things done that need to be done before school and I walk my daughter to her bus stop in the morning.

   Now after I explan that to people with out kids they ask why don't you give them things to do so you can write. My answer I do and they will be busy until I start writing and that when they come to tell me they are bored, hungry, thirsty, or to ask to do something else. Like I said they have radar. Then they ask why don't you tell them not to bother you unless it's an emergency. My answer is I have but somethings you do not think are emergencies are to a child. So I decided years ago I will write at night during the summer and during the day during the school year so I am always available if they need me for what ever reason. About this time they walk away shaking their heads like they don't get it. Which is ok, my decisions don't make sense to everyone. They way I do things works for me and that's what matters.

Well I am going to write while I still my the house to myself
Happy reading
Happy writing


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