
I am not writing this to hurt any bodies feeling or to tell anyone not to blog. This is just advice from my own experiences.

A good friend of mine started a blog ( I asked him why he did it. He said "I wanted one, I feel like I had something to share with the world" I said ok but don't let it get lost. I tried to help him the best I could, and it made me think that I am not the best blogger or the only blogger out here. But maybe some one who reads this will use the advice.

It's best to not try to do a daily  maybe a weekly I do a monthly or bimonthly. But I started out trying to do a daily and within two weeks I ran out of steam and ideas to keep it going daily. I realized its best not to do daily because I have to keep it interesting so you all will keep coming back and reading my blog.

Have something to say it doesn't have to be earth moving. Just something interesting something more than just "I went to the store, I did laundry" unless something different, fun, funny or something that made you mad and feel that you need to inform people about it. (Rude people at the store or laundry mat).

Keep with it even if it doesn't seem like there are not many people reading your blog. Try guest blogging on another blog or have some guest bloggers to help get the word out. ( social media helps too). have friends read your blog and ask if they would suggest it to other. Just don't give up, there are a lot of bloggers that start out great and then they stop blogging.

I hope this helps, I got to get back to my writing.
Happy reading
Happy blogging ( writing)


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