Random rant about writing

   The other day I was in a chat room trying to clear my head since I was having a hard time with a scene in my W.I.P I thought chatting with some of my online friends might help. But a total butt head came in the chat room and started going off on the fact I am not published and I need to shut up and go write. When I asked what does it matter to him if I am published or not he went off on the fact he has been published hundreds of times and it's not hard. I asked him what he published he informed me he writes patents, technical text for patents. I inform him I write novel length manuscripts and it's hard to get published unless you self publish. Apparently that just upset him and he kept going off on me to the point everyone else started defending me. Then the butt head starting getting mad they were defending me. At this point nearly everyone blocked him so we would not have to deal with his drama.

  The reason I am telling you all this is if you write anything and you get published please do not bash anyone who is trying very hard to get published. Yes in some industries it's easier then other to get published. If you are being bashed for what ever reason do not give up on your dreams they are worth fight for. Please believe in yourself and don't let butt heads discourage you. A good friend of mine told me "the reason he was bashing me is because he is jelous of my talent" I think that is some really good advice and I think this goes for anything not just writing.

Well it's getting late I have to be up early
Happy reading
Happy writing


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