First day of school

  Today my kids started school my son started in high school today, it felt wrong to let him walk to his bus stop alone but I let him since its uncool to have mom walk you to the bus stop. My daughter is in middle school(junior high) she asked me to walk her to the bus stop, I think she did it to make me feel better but I got to wave to her as her bus left. I hate the start of school not because I don't want them to go to school but because I got used to the noise of them being here and now it's gone until almost 4 pm five days a week ( this week it's 3). Once I get used to it again I will be ok.

  Needless to say I have gotten no writing done and I might not get much done for a week or so. Once the routine is normal again writing will be easier and more will get done. I am sure there are other writers that are parents that get this way, but it always makes me feel like I am really odd for getting this way.

Well I better get going my kids will be getting off in about an hour and a half.
Happy reading
Happy writing


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