The troubles finding an agent

   I was told a while back by more then one author that was able to find an agent that it will be hard. One actually said "you will be able to wall paper our office with the rejection letters before you get an acceptance." But I was not prepared for how hard it has been for me.

    I understand it's really hard to find an agent, but I seem to be having a harder time then some other writers. I have never gotten a request for a full copy ot part of a copy of my manuscript, it's kind of discouraging after this long. But I have not given up, I will not give up on my dream.

   I was talking to my hubby about a rejection I have gotten resently, when I think I figured out why I am having a harder time then some. I am writing from the monster's point of view,and no other author does that I found. Ok there is one, Ann Rice, she wrote from the vampires's point of view  and technically they are monsters, but they were always people they are now just undead people that live on blood from the living. Then my brother in law brought up teen wolf, butI believe it was a movie and tv show before a book(if it was a book, I am not sure it was)

   I am currently writing about Werejaguars from a female Werejaguar's point of view, I do not know of any novels written about Werejaguars and not any novel I know of is written seriously from the werecreatures' point of view. From the research I have done that most if not all monster books are written from the point of view of a human or in third person but not from a monster's point of view. Now I know I could be wrong and I will gladly amend my statements if I am, Please tell if I am.

Now I am off to finish cleaning house
Happy reading
Happy writing


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