It's spring...... I think

   Spring officially started a little over a week ago, but it's not very spring like everyday. Some days it was really cold and or snowing. Other days were very spring like some sunny some rainy. Today is an overcast windy day and it's suppose to rain this afternoon. Because it springtime again it's time for spring cleaning again. This year hubby and I have started by putting carpet titles down in my kitchen and dining area. Then we pulled all the carpet and padding in the hallway and living room and put wood flooring down.
       Then of course the kids were on spring break from school until yesterday ( Tuesday). So while my kids were off school we for eye dr appointments, a dr appointment, and an orthodontist appointment done on top of Easter for my kids. Needless to say I have not gotten much writing done, until Monday. But thus is life of a mother and writer.

     I got pretty far in the scene I was working on Monday. Yesterday I sent some query letters out to agents, I am planing on sending more out today and see if I can get the scene done so I can move past all the anger in this scene.

As you can see life can and will get in the why of writing and the reverse is true too you just have to try to find a balance just like everything else.

I am off
Happy reading
happy writing


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