Writing software

   I was reading a blog by Tricia Goyer ( http://www.triciagoyer.com/what-is-the-best-book-writing-software/ ) it was about writing software. It got me thinking about all the writing software I used or use. I have not used every writing software out there and what I say about the ones I have used is just my opinion, so please do not change what you like using because I do not care for the software.

   I will start with what most PCs have which is notepad. It's good for writing a few quick notes but not too great for writing more then notes. It has no set margins or a word counter. Because of theses issues it makes editing a really pain. In my opinion do not use for more then quick notes.

   Next is open office first thing Is you can down load a free version of it. It's good for writing it has margins and they can be changed, you can edit ok with it but the word counter is not acurate at all it counts words, but it also counts spaces and punctuation. In my opinion it is better to use a different writing software. But if you need a software quick and can't afford one like Microsoft word it will work ok for a first draft.

   Now this is one I still use to this day. It is Microsoft word it has the margins needed, the word counter is acurate. You can also set the tab to indent as far as you like. It easier for me to use, I think editing is easier. So far i have found it easier to send it via email I do not need to reformatt it to send it out. For me it's the best software for me.

  Please remember these are just my opinions and the issues I had with some software I have used. If you find it easier to use a different one then I like that is fine. These are not the only softwares out there, please keep looking if the ones I mentioned does not work for you. You might find one better that works better for you.

I am off to write
Happy reading
Happy writing


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