Weird week that ended on a sad note

  last week was weird, Monday and Tuesday the weather was early springish the day Wednesday we had a snow storm that canceled school. The snow was pretty much gone by Thursday which was back to early spring and still is nice today the last day of February.

  The weather was not the only thing that was happening. Monday Casper (one of  the rescued hedgehogs I adopted last April) stopped eating and drinking, so I took him to the vet, the only thing wrong was his nails where long so they trimmed them, gave him an antibiotic shot and sent me home with some antibiotics. He ate a little that night but even with me giving him the meds twice a day he did not eat anymore and threw up the water I gave him with a syringe. Thursday I took him back to the vet again, that's when I had to send him over the rainbow bridge. The kids took it hard that Casper would not be around anymore. We all miss him but he is no longer hurting and has all the mealworms he wants.

  Since the loss of Casper I had not written anything until today because it hurt too much. But today I wrote some on my WIP and some on a new idea. I will try to write more later.

Well I am off to get things ready before the kids get home

Happy reading
Happy writing



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