Winter cold has arrived

The last weeks has been colder then it has been since winter started this weekend has been the coldest this winter. Yesterday was in the twenties and in some places it snowed, today it has not gotten above fifteen and the wind chill was making it feel like negitive eleven. So it's been a good day to stay inside where it is nice and warm. So today has been a lazy day, other than some house work and chores that needed to be done today.

I have tried to get some writing done, but the kids have been a bit hyper being stuck inside so needless to say writing has not been going well today. If it's this cold in the morning I am hoping school is canceled, but I doubt it will be. I am sure th kids will still have practice and I know I will be able to get writing done then no more if I get writing done tomorrow day or not.

 Well I better get going the kids will be getting ready for bed soon.
Happy reading
Happy writing


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