Stressful few weeks

The last few weeks have been kind of stressful for me. First the weather went from semi-nice weather to Oh May Goodiness it's cold. The kids were off school the 15th (Friday) and the 18th(Monday) it snowed here last Tuesday night (1/19/16) so the kids were off Wednesday (1/20/16). I ended up going to the urgent care Thursday (1/21/16) and have been on antibiotics since. So there was not much writing done until this past Saturday (1/23/16). I didn't write yesterday because I was too tired from writing the night before.

I did get rejection letters from 4 out of the 6 agents I queried a few weeks ago. It's kind of discourging that none of the agents I have queried over that last several years has not even requested a full or partial manuscript, but I am not giving up. Today so far no writing was done, I have been dealing with personal issues, but I think I can get through them soon.

Yes sometimes personal stuff can throw your writing for a loop but as long as you try to write everyday you are doing good. Yes rejections are discouraging even if the agent encourages you to keep looking(most of the cookie cutter and personally written rejections I got does say something like "good luck on your search for an agent" so a least they have something nice to say)
Yes I get stuck or turned around in my writing, but I keep going I just have to back track sometimes to fix the issue.

What helps me with a lot that gets in my way when it comes to my writing is, talking to friends and/or family, I write in a journal on my really bad days. Heck some days I play a video game called World of Warcraft, it helps with stress sometimes.

Well I am off to go write
Happy reading
Happy writing


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