To nano or no to nano?

  That is the question, at leasts it's my question. I have been so busy the past few weeks I am not sure I am going to take part in national novel writing month or not.  I like having daily goals and I try to set my own but life is always getting in the way. I know it cause me more stress then what I need, but I get a lot of ideas and something written in the month. But very few ideas or stories are worth keeping. It's a very lonely time, but writing is a thing that can really only be done alone. They do have writing meet ups, but I am not always able to making to them.

  I really do enjoy doing it, but I don't even have a story idea. I would love to hear what you all think I should do? All you need to do is comment to this blog.

I am off to get some stuff done.
Happy reading
Happy writing


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