Rainy day, snake eggs and a birthday

Today is a gloomy drizzly day, the kind of day you just want to curl up and nap the day away. Today is also my 35th birthday, most of my friends and family have wished me a a happy birthday. My wonderful sister inlaw gave me a sweet little penguin she painted and a lovely card. I am also taking the day off from writing I will get back to it tomorrow :) 

As some of you know I have a small zoo of animals (2 cornsnakes, 2 cat, 2 bearded dragons, and a hedgehog) well yesterday evening my cornsnakes has tried to make my zoo bigger my female snow cornsnake ( we found out yesterday evening she is female) laid eggs I thought both of my cornsnakes were female or male I was wrong as I said my snow is female and my brown cornsnake is male. I was unsure what to do so I call a local reptile pet store and they said to bring the eggs in well at that time she had one so we took it up with both snakes( the snow in case she was going to lay more and to have my brown one sexed) and was informed the egg was fertile so we knew then I had a male and female. They told me what to do and to bring the rest of the ones she laid in and they would incubate them for us and when they hatched they would keep half and give us back the rest. Well I do not want anymore snakes, so they will buy them from us but not sure for how much but that doesn't matter to me as long as they get a home.

Well I am off to make myself something to eat.
Happy reading
Happy writing


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