
I have a treat for all you wonderful people who take the time to read my blog. I am going to post a small part of the manuscript I am trying to find an agent for. Please enjoy and let me know what you think please.

From The Were I Have Become

I turned on the TV and heard the new caster say “there was another vicious animal attack that brings the total to fifteen in the last six months”
  Then the phone rang, tiredly I answered the cordless phone that I had sitting on the coffee table “Hello”
“Hi Ann how are you feeling” a female voice said
“Hi Sue, I’m ok I guess, just a little sore” I said.
Susan Miller has been my best friend for years.  She is a lawyer two towns over and is a little taller than me. She has strawberry blond hair that falls to her shoulders, brown eyes and she is curvy like I am. Susan is happily married to fellow lawyer, Matthew, he is a stockier guy but not fat, he is about 5’8, brown hair and eyes, with wire rimmed glasses perched on his round nose. I’m Aunty Ann to their 4 year old twin boys Roby and Cody, the two sweetest boys I have met. They look just like their mother only with brown hair and eyes.
“How are the boys?” I asked
“They are worried about their Aunty Ann as we all are.” Sue said
“I’m ok, I just need to rest” I said
“I called the hospital to talk to the doctor, and the doctor said you went home last night. Are you ok, I mean ok enough to be at home?” Sue asked with kind of a giggle, it’s a nervous habit she has “They would only tell me that you were hurt so bad that you were in a coma”
“Yea I was.” I said
“There’s a rumor that you are a Werejaguar” Sue said in almost a jokingly way
“That’s the way it looks. Is that a problem?” I said
“You know, you can tell me the truth, I’m just worried about you. So why lie to me?” Sue said
“I’m not lying, I’ll be turning into a Werejaguar the next full moon” I said starting to get angry “I already talked to someone from the local synod of werejaguars and I’ll be safe, they are helping me deal with this issue”
“FINE, don’t tell me the truth” She said
“I’m telling you the truth, but it’s fine that you don’t believe me” I snapped “tell everyone I’m healing just fine!”
I hung up on Sue, arguing with her made me very tired. So I just laid there on the sofa and slept


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